
Showing posts from November, 2022

The NFRD - The Backbone of European Green Business

The European Green Deal applies to many different businesses, and one of the mechanisms it uses for reporting on the success or failure of its measures is the Non-Financial Reporting Directive, or NFRD . NFRD ’s can be helpful for stakeholders seeking to better understand the green credentials of the businesses they operate or invest in. NFRD ’s can also help in provide insight and forward thinking strategies, and provide feedback to management teams and investors. For any organization or company, an NFRD is an initial, basic measure of the environmental impact of an enterprise. audited or not. Open full corporate carbon and energy accounting (or lack thereof) is seen as a really valuable tool to quantify and understand how firms might be complying with EU reporting requirements such as the provision of an NFRD . An NFRD (amongst other things) demonstrates a simple view of how a company uses energy, and could be operating in an energy efficient manner (or not). To help understand th